Sunday, January 26, 2025
More January: Ice Fishing and a Surrogate Baby
Saturday, January 11, 2025
January Fun
Happy January! We spent New Year's Eve at Mom and Dad's since we couldn't spend any time with them over Christmas. The kids loved their Granny and Gramps Christmas gifts and played with them the whole time we were there.
We kicked our homeschool back up to speed on all our subjects, plus we added piano back in. This week Logan had his first piano lesson and the two kids fight over who gets to have their lessons first! The piano video games included in the practice sessions are responsible for their enthusiasm.
Today Beckham went to his first birthday party for a friend from church. He was so excited all week and couldn't wait to give Lizzie her gift.
Aside from that we are back to our swing of things. January has brought some fun playing in the snow. We are looking forward to our week stay in Mexico coming up in February!